
Here you will find information and support for using Mahara.

What is Mahara?
Maraha is an electronic portfolio or e-portfolio. This is an online collection of learning evidence where you can upload files, embed resources fr...
Wed, 18 Oct, 2017 at 4:07 PM
(STAFF) How do I set up an Open Group in Mahara?
This Quick Guide describes how to set up an open group in Mahara.  Because the Group is Open students will be able to search and join.  Then they can copy...
Fri, 2 Mar, 2018 at 12:20 PM
(STAFF) How do I share a Mahara Collection with my students?
Login to Moodle and click on the Mahara link. Click on the Burger menu Choose: Portfolio Select: Pages and collections Click on the padlock ...
Thu, 22 Mar, 2018 at 4:02 PM
(STAFF) How do I add SmartEvidence to my Mahara collection?
  SmartEvidence allows you to work with competency frameworks in Mahara and associate them automatically with an evidence map. It is not required or app...
Wed, 21 Mar, 2018 at 3:35 PM
How do I manage my files and images in Mahara?
Login  to Moodle and click on the Mahara link.  Click on the Burger menu Choose: Content Select: Files · You can upload files using ...
Thu, 22 Mar, 2018 at 3:33 PM
How do I save a Mahara Page or Collection as a PDF?
Login to Moodle and click on the Mahara link. Click on the Burger menu Choose: Portfolio Select: Pages and collection Open the Page or Collection y...
Mon, 15 Apr, 2019 at 9:34 AM