Login  to Moodle and click on the Mahara link. 

  1. Click on the Burger menu
  2. Choose: Content
  3. Select: Files

· You can upload files using Drag and Drop or search using Choose Files

· You can create folders for your file


Your total file size quota is displayed to the right


You can manage your files in the Home section.

  • There is a thumbnail on the left to show a small version of the image
  • File name
  • File size
  • Date added
  • Editing tools
  • Delete



When you add a file to your e-portfolio it is automatically added to  Files. This means a file may be uploaded more than once.
If this happens the duplicate file has the same name with a number at the end.

1. Click on the file name to see a bigger preview of the image

2. Click on the Pen to edit the file name

3. Click on the Rubbish Bin to delete a file