What is OneDrive?
OneDrive is cloud-based storage available with your student Office 365 account. All fully enrolled Whitireia and WelTec students have an Office 365 account throughout the duration of their study.
How do I access Office 365?
- Go to https://portal.office.com to sign-in and access Office 365.
- Or, if you are on Moodle you can access it from the Students drop-down menu
Contact ICT for password support:
Email: servicecentre@wandw.ac.nz
Uploading your files to Office 365 OneDrive
You can upload files up to 15GB in size. (This limit is per file, you have 1TB of total storage.)
Note: For transferring large files or lots of files, we recommend adding the files to the OneDrive desktop app rather than using the Upload button on the website.
Download OneDrive desktop app >> https://onedrive.com/download
- Sign in to your student Office 365 account then click on the OneDrive icon from the application list.
- Select: Upload, Files
- Search for and select the files you want to upload, then select Open to upload the file to OneDrive.
Sharing files with my tutor from OneDrive using a shareable link.
Any file or folder that has been added to OneDrive can be shared with other people.The person you have shared with will have the option to view, download and even edit the file or document if you have allowed editing rights.
The following instructions provide access to a file or folder using a shareable link.
- Sign in to your student Office 365 account then click on the OneDrive icon from the list of available applications.
- Select the file or folder you want to share, and then select Share:
- This option provides a shareable link to the file or folder. The link can be:
- sent as an email (type your tutor’s email address)
OR - added to other documents such as a Word document (copy and paste)

Video assessment
If your assessment requires you to submit a video file to your tutor you can save it to OneDrive and share it. We recommend using a video device that stores video in an electronic format that you can retrieve and download easily such as a:
- smartphone with camera function
- tablet device with camera function
- electronic camera device with video function
Due to the size of video files, we recommend that you use your Office 365 | OneDrive application to store and share the video file with your tutor. Our recommendation is to add the link to your video file, into a Word document which you can then submit to an Assignment Dropbox within your Moodle course. Your tutor will provide more details about the submission process.