Here is a link  to more information about groups on the Moodle Site:

Why use Groups?

  • You  teach more than one class on a particular course and you want to be able to see  one class at a  time
  • To  share courses with staff and not see their student’s work.

Creating  a Group 

  1. Log into Moodle 
  2. Click on the course you want 
  3. In  Settings
  4. Scroll down until you see the Administration block 
  5. Click: Users > Groups
  6. Click: Create group
  7. Name the Group and click: Save changes

8. Click on the Group you have created

9. Click: Add/remove users

10. Select names from the available list or search by tying the name

11. Click Add

12. Repeat to add more users

Why  use Groupings?

 If  you want to make an activity (such as an assignment or a quiz) visible to only  one set of users within a course, you need first to put the users into a group and then put them into a grouping. A single grouping  can house one group or several groups.


Here is a link to more information about  groupings on the Moodle Site: