If WelTec students need access to courses in Whitireia Moodle they will need to login to
Whitireia Moodle using the same Login ID and Password they use to access WelTec Moodle.
Logging in will create a Whitireia Moodle profile that can then be enrolled into Whitireia Moodle courses.
Ask students to do the following:
1. Go to Whitireia Moodle here: https://moodle.whitireia.ac.nz/
2. Enter the WelTec Login ID into the Username field.
3. Enter the WelTec password into the Password field.
4. Click the Log in button to access Whitireia Moodle.
Once students have logged in a Whitireia Moodle a profile will be created that can then be enrolled into Whitireia Moodle courses.
You will need to manually enrol the WelTec students into your course(s).
To do this see: How do I enrol students on my Whitireia Moodle course?