1. Log in to Moodle and go to your course:

WelTec Moodle: https://moodle.weltec.ac.nz/login/

Whitireia Moodle: https://moodle.whitireia.ac.nz/login/

2. Locate and click into the Forum you want to add a post to:

3. Read the instructions and click the Add discussion topic button:

4. Fill in the Subject of your post

5. Click into the Message field and type in your post details:

6. If you need to attach a file to your Forum post click the Advanced link to see more options.

NOTE: If you don't need to attach a file you can click the Post to forum button.

Attaching a file to your Forum post

You can either Add or Drag and drop a file to your Forum post:

7. Click the Add icon to open the File picker

Select Upload a file from the side menu.

Click the Choose file button to navigate to the file location on your computer or device:

Click Open to add the file to the Files area

Click the Upload this file button to add the file to your Forum post


8. Drag and Drop files into the indicated area:

Once you are ready to add your post, click on the Post to forum button:

You have 30 minutes to make any changes to your Forum post, after this time an email notification will be sent out to all participants in the course.

To edit your Forum post, click the subject link under 'Discussion' and click Edit at the bottom right of the page: