Adding a Book

  1. Open your course
  2. Turn editing on

  3. Go the section you would like to add the Book 
  4. Click Add an activity or resource

  5. Select Book and click Add

  6. Type in the:
    • Name of the Book
    • Description
    • Tick: Display description on course page
    • Appearance: None for Chapter formatting, (better done manually)
  7. Click: Save and return to course

Add Chapters to a Book

  1. Click on the Book
  2. Type in Chapter Title and Contents
  3. Click Save changes

Editing a Book

Make sure Editing is on

  1. Click: Edit. (The grey pencil allows you to quickly edit the title)
  2. Click: Edit Settings

    The Text editor allows the page to display many different kinds of content such as plain text, images, audio, video, embedded code or a combination of all these.