Netiquette, Net Etiquette, is the proper way to act online. When we are online we don't have visual clues or hear the tone of people's voices. So when you are part of an online discussion group you need to be careful how you phrase things and follow these simple rules.

  • Be careful with humour and tone in your postings.  Emoticons (smileys) can help to lighten the tone, but remember that learners  come from a wide range of age groups and cultural backgrounds.
  • Do not make comments about your peers'  personalities or abilities.
  • Don’t post ‘I agree’ or ‘I disagree’. Instead give  your reasons.
  • Before you disagree with  someone, try to summarise the other person's point in your own words. Then they  know you are trying to understand them and will be more likely to take your  view seriously. Differences of  opinion are an opportunity to learn.

  • Encourage feedback from others. Ask questions.
  • Be brief. If you have a lot to say use titles and  paragraphs. Add attachments if you have a lot of information to share.
  • Avoid acronyms, (BTW, LOL). If you must use them,  explain them clearly.
  • Avoid putting words into capital letters – this is  seen as shouting.
  • Make sure you are in the right conversation thread  before you post your message.
  • Always use meaningful subject headings. This will  ensure that your fellow students and tutors are able to find your message  within a discussion environment.
  • Use several messages for different topics. This  will make replying easier.
  • To keep the structure of a discussion, reply to an  appropriate thread (conversation). If your message is not related to a specific  thread, then start a new one.
  • When responding to a posting, remember that the  forum is read by all, so reply to the group and not to individuals.
  • If you have a relevant web link, post the full  address with http:// so that it is seen as a link.
  • It is essential to respect copyright. If you use  information taken from a book, article or web resource in one of your  contributions, please make sure you reference.
  • Respect for others is important. If you find a  message inappropriate, you must act upon it by informing the lecturer of your  concerns.