Go to your Moodle website and log in:
Whitireia and WelTec Moodle: https://moodle.whitireiaweltec.ac.nz/login/
Enter your Student ID Number into the Username field.
Enter your regular password into the Password field.
Click the Log in button
Once you have logged in you will be taken to the Dashboard page.
Scroll down to Course Overview. All courses you are enrolled in will be listed here:
The Course Overview block has 'Filters' you can use to adjust the way courses are displayed.
Use this filter to display the courses you want to see, choose:
- All (All courses you are enrolled in)
- Start/end date (In progress, Future, Past)
- 'Starred' (Courses you have marked as 'starred')
- 'Removed from view' (Course you are enrolled in but do not want listed under Course Overview)
Use this filter to sort the courses by name OR last accessed.
Use this filter to change the way the courses are displayed (List or Summary).
Use the ellipsis (...) next to each course to 'Star' or 'Remove from view'.
Use this filter to choose the number of courses to display.
If you can't find a course you are enrolled in under 'Course Overview' it may be:
- The filters have been adjusted so only some courses are listed.
- The Tutor has not yet made the course available to students*.
- Your enrolment needs to be completed, see: Enrolment Information
*Courses are made available by your Tutor close to the start date, or once they are ready for access.
If you need access to a Moodle course talk to your Tutor OR email flexiblelearning@wandw.ac.nz for support.
More about the Dashboard page can be found here: https://docs.moodle.org/401/en/Dashboard