Search for CATME

Search for CATME

Or type into the address bar


Request account

Click on: request instructor account



Fill in application form


Email address

Use your work email. CATME have been informed we have a number of email domains associated with our account:

@whitireia, @weltec, @wandw


Time zone

Set the time zone to:

This is important as assessment open/close dates and email notifications are based on this time.




You will receive an email with a link enabling you to login and change your password.


You will receive a message from CATME to enter your own password.

CATME does not provide you a password.

If you do not receive this CATME message, go to, click on “login to existing account”, enter your email address as your name and click on “forgot your password?” and follow the instructions.


 Video: Creating and Accessing an Instructor Account